Puppy 1

Welcome to the beginning of an extraordinary journey! In Puppy 1, our foundation skills class, you'll foster a lifelong bond through modern, reward-based training methods. This class goes beyond basic commands to help you create a deep, meaningful communication and bond between you and your puppy.


Welcome to the beginning of an extraordinary journey! In Puppy 1, our foundation skills class, you'll foster a lifelong bond through modern, reward-based training methods. This class goes beyond basic commands to help you create a deep, meaningful communication and bond between you and your puppy.

What you'll learn

• Foundational Obedience: Commands like Sit, Down, Stay, Come, and Don't Touch.
• Management Skills: Techniques for handling, managing biting, and strategies for addressing crying, whining, and crate training challenges.
• Focus and Attention: Building attention in daily walks and at home.
• Impulse Control: Don’t Touch and other self-control exercises.
• Loose-Leash Walking: Learn the basics of leash manners to enjoy stress-free walks.
• Behavioral Basics: Anti-jumping and impulse control to cultivate polite manners.
• Recall: Begin mastering the absolutely essential Come! command.
• Confidence Building: Activities to boost your puppy's confidence in various settings.

What to bring

Your Dog: They must wear a collar with an ID tag.
6-foot Flat Leash: Non-retractable leashes are not allowed.
Mat or Towel: For your dog to settle on during down times.
Hands-free Reward Pouch: Also known as a bait bag, for carrying treats and tools.
Enthusiasm: Bring your energy and readiness to learn!

What pup-parents say

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“Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint”

Katherine Cutts
Junior Designer at Company
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“Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint”

Daniel Smith
Mobile Developer at Business
Puppy 1

This class goes beyond basic commands to help you create a deep, meaningful communication and bond between you and your puppy.

Register Now
  • Level: For pups 8 to 16 weeks
  • Schedule: 5 classes, 1 per week
  • Duration: 50-60 min
  • Location: 3119 Vicente Street, SF 94116
  • Class size limited