Why choose SmartyPup!?

The choices you make for your puppy will shape their behavior for life — and yours. At SmartyPup!, our expert trainers help your puppy develop confidence, resilience, and responsiveness. We also offer support for any current behavior challenges. Here’s why SmartyPup! will help you raise a confident, well-behaved, and (very) happy puppy:

• Our programs are grounded in science-backed techniques, ensuring a fun and effective learning experience for both you and your puppy.

• Early training and socialization are crucial for developing well-behaved, happy dogs, and we prioritize these in all our courses.

• Our certified trainers are dedicated to helping you build a strong foundation of good behavior and a loving relationship that will last a lifetime.

Which training class is best for me and my pup?

Puppy 1 for puppies  8 – 16 weeks old, register for Puppy 1. (NOTE: They must be no older than 18 weeks by the time the first class starts.) 

Puppy Socials for your puppies is 8 – 16 weeks old.

Day Camp for Puppies  8 – 13 weeks apply to Day Camp for a full day of training 8 am to 4:30pm.

Puppy 1 catch-Up for puppies  18+ weeks

Puppy 2 is for dogs that have completed Puppy 1 or Puppy 1 Catch-Up

Puppy 3 is for dogs that have completed Puppy 2

What is the difference between Puppy classes, Day Camp and Socials?

What program should you take?

SmartyPup! Classes: Structured as 5 weekly sessions, each lasting 50 minutes, focusing on foundational training such as obedience, socialization and puppy management at home and on walks.

SmartyPup! Socials: These are group events designed for socialization, providing opportunities for puppies to interact with different people and other puppies in a safe and supervised setting.

SmartyPup! Day Camp: This program runs from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, with options for 3, 4, or 5 days per week, lasting 4 to 8 weeks. It offers a mix of training, exercise, and socialization.

My puppy is very small. Should I worry about the bigger puppies?

No need to worry—we’ve got you and your pup covered. Come to a social or class ASAP. Addressing shyness or size-related concerns early prevents future behavior problems like fear, aggression, and attachment disorders, which can sometimes lead to difficult decisions for families.

Your pup is still young and impressionable. We can help transform your tiny dog into a confident, skilled companion, reducing fear for both you and your pup. Our pups are counting on us to guide them toward a joyful, fearless future.

What if my dog is very shy and/or small?

 Get to a SmartyPup! class or social ASAP! Here’s why: Even more than outgoing puppies, shy puppies need careful, gentle socialization with people, dogs, and new environments. While it’s natural to want to protect shy puppies, waiting can lead to serious behavioral issues like fear, aggression, attachment disorders, and the inability to cope in stressful situations—the last thing we want for you and your pup! A confident dog is a content dog, and your pup is still young and impressionable, which means NOW is most definitely the time.

At our puppy socials, we have two designated areas: one for the first-time and/or more cautious pups, and another for more experienced puppies. We’ll always meet your pup where they’re at!

What are the vaccination requirements?

For your puppy to start class, they don't need all their vaccinations, but they do need the following at least 7 days before the first class:

1 set of Distemper/Parvovirus vaccines (the "D" and "P" in DHPP)
First de-worming (usually done by the breeder or rescue)We look forward to seeing you and your pup in class!

My puppy hasn’t had all of the shots.  Should I wait to sign up?

No — waiting is the last thing you want to do. If your vet advises you to wait, please share the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior’s (AVSAB) Position Statement on this topic with them:

"The primary and most important time for puppy socialization is the first three months of life. During this period, puppies should be exposed to as many new people, animals, stimuli, and environments as can be achieved safely, without causing over-stimulation manifested as excessive fear, withdrawal, or avoidance behavior. For this reason, the  AVSAB believes it should be the standard of care for puppies to receive such socialization before they are fully vaccinated."

At least 7 days before the first class, puppies should have:
• 1 set of a distemper and a parvo vaccine
• First de-worming

Keep your puppy’s shots up to date throughout the course. The risk of behavioral problems in unsocialized dogs, leading to relinquishment or euthanasia,
far exceeds the risk of contracting infectious diseases in a controlled environment like our classes. 

At SmartyPup!, we're committed to providing a safe and controlled setting where your puppy can learn, play, and grow, maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness and safety to minimize health risks.

If I miss a class, is there a make-up?

We don’t offer make-up classes because our courses run on a strict schedule, and it's important to maintain consistency for all puppies and pup-parents. However, if your puppy can't make it, you can still attend without your puppy so you don’t miss any information. Alternatively, you can send a friend or family member with your puppy.

We’ll send you a summary of the class along with at-home practice exercises to catch up. You can also join a SmartyPup! Social to stay in sync and reinforce your learning. We appreciate your understanding as this helps ensure the best experience for everyone in the class.

My puppy is coughing / sneezing/runny nose. What should I do?

Call your vet and share your puppy's symptoms. Follow their advice closely. It's always better to be safe.

If your puppy isn't feeling well, leave them at home. You can still attend the class and observe. This way, you won't miss any information and can practice at home once your pup is better.

If your vet says your puppy can rejoin the class, please bring a note from them. This ensures all our furry students stay healthy. Even if your puppy seems fine, they could still be contagious. We want to keep all our little learners safe.

What is your training method?

Thank you for asking! We use reward-based training, also known as “positive reinforcement” or force-free training. Positive reinforcement involves giving your puppy rewards for behaviors we want to encourage. This method increases the likelihood of those behaviors happening again and is highly effective for shaping your pup’s behavior. Better still, keeping it positive makes the learning process positive for all!

As science-based trainers, we do not (and will never) recommend or use any techniques that are aversive to your dog or rely on pain, force, startling, or coercion. 

Studies have shown that humane methods are far more effective and support a strong, positive, loving relationship between you and your pup. We believe your puppy should perform because it wants to, not because it is afraid.

Can I bring my kids to class?

100%, yes! (In fact, we encourage all family members who will help train your dog to attend, no matter what their age. We especially love having kids in our classes, as it's essential for puppies to have positive experiences with children during their socialization process.

That said, a focused learning environment benefits everyone. Some instruction will, of course, require quiet and focus. If you think your child may struggle with periods of sitting in silence, we kindly request that you bring something that will help keep them occupied during those times.

What is your refund/cancel /class transfer policy?

Before registering for a course, please consider your schedule, commitment, and the suitability of the class for your pup’s needs.

Refunds are available before the class starts, minus a $35.00 processing fee, only if we can fill your spot and have a minimum of 3 business days to do so.
• No refunds are given once a class has started or within three business days before the class starts.

Class Credits:
Class credits may be considered in special circumstances.

If an unexpected situation arises, we’ll do our best to accommodate you in an upcoming class, space permitting. Availability is usually confirmed on the day the new class begins.

We appreciate your understanding and look forward to working with you and your pup!

What are SmartyPup!’s cleaning protocols?

At SmartyPup!, we prioritize the health and safety of our puppy students and their families with comprehensive cleaning protocols. Here’s how we keep our environment clean and safe:

Daily Floor Cleaning: We sweep and mop our floors every day. For spills or accidents, we use enzyme sprays to neutralize odors and break down organic matter promptly.

Disinfecting with Rescue: We clean floors, kennels, crates, and high-touch areas with Rescue, a hospital-grade disinfectant effective against various pathogens.

Air Quality Control: We use air purifiers and ensure good ventilation with open windows to maintain fresh and healthy air quality.

Regular Equipment Sanitization: We regularly sanitize all training equipment, play accessories, and feeding bowls to prevent the spread of germs.

End-of-Day Clean-Up: Our team performs a thorough cleaning at the end of each day, emptying trash bins and ensuring all areas are spotless and sanitized.

I was told not to take my puppy outside until s/he receives more vaccines…

No— waiting is the last thing you want to do. Start exploring the world together, safely!

It's a common concern among new puppy parents, but waiting until your puppy has received all their vaccines before taking them outside can actually be harmful to their social development.

Get Out There, But Be Safe!
Early socialization is essential for your puppy’s development. While some vets recommend waiting until all vaccinations are complete, this cautious approach can lead to unintended consequences. Missing out on early outdoor socialization will result in a dog that's anxious around new people, kids, other dogs, and unfamiliar places.

Why Early Socialization is Important
Delaying outdoor exposure can negatively impact your puppy's ability to adapt to the world around them. The critical period for socialization is between 8 to 12 weeks of age. During this time, puppies are most receptive to new experiences, which helps them grow into confident and well-adjusted adults.

Safe Outdoor Excursions
Balancing safety with socialization is key. You can start taking your puppy on safe outdoor excursions to controlled environments where the risk of disease is minimal. Here are some suggestions for places you can visit:
- Shopping areas
- Sidewalks in residential neighborhoods (non-pourous surfaces)
- Beaches at low tide and during off-peak hours
- Outdoor cafes
- Home improvement stores like Home Depot

Addressing Socialization Concerns with Your Vet
If your vet advises waiting, consider sharing the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) Position Statement on early socialization. This document emphasizes that the benefits of early and safe socialization outings far outweigh the risks of disease when done correctly. Additionally, ask your veterinarian how many cases of Parvo (or Distemper) they have seen or treated at their clinic. Parvo and Distemper are rare in San Francisco. This information will give you a clearer picture of the actual risk and help you make an informed decision.

Lessons form the  Pandemic on Puppy Socialization
We learn from  the pandemic, that stay-at-home orders, and similar restrictions for puppies can be detrimental to their mental health and development. Just as humans need social interaction for well-being, puppies require early socialization to grow into well-adjusted adults. Keeping puppies isolated during this crucial period can lead to anxiety, fear, and behavioral issues. Ensuring they have safe, positive experiences with the outside world is essential for their overall mental health and development.By providing safe, positive experiences early on, you'll help your puppy grow into a happy, confident, and well-adjusted dog. Don’t wait – start exploring the world together, safely!

Do I have to use food treats in class?

Thank you for asking! We use reward-based training, also known as “positive reinforcement” or force-free training. Positive reinforcement involves giving your puppy rewards for behaviors we want to encourage. This method increases the likelihood of those behaviors happening again and is highly effective for shaping your pup’s behavior. Better still, keeping it positive makes the learning process positive for all!

As science-based trainers, we do not (and will never) recommend or use any techniques that are aversive to your dog or rely on pain, force, startling, or coercion. 

Studies have shown that humane methods are far more effective and support a strong, positive, loving relationship between you and your pup. We believe your puppy should perform because it wants to, not because it is afraid.

If I miss a class, is there a make-up?

We don’t offer make-up classes because our courses run on a strict schedule, and it's important to maintain consistency for all puppies and pup-parents. However, if your puppy can't make it, you can still attend without your puppy so you don’t miss any information. Alternatively, you can send a friend or family member with your puppy.

We’ll send you a summary of the class along with at-home practice exercises to catch up. You can also join a SmartyPup! Social to stay in sync and reinforce your learning. We appreciate your understanding as this helps ensure the best experience for everyone in the class.